Organizational Change: Key elements of success.
- Successful organizations believe the organization's culture must be changed.
- Organization change requires vision, tenacity and a long-term horizon.
- Organization change requires commitment from top management.
- Organization change requires extensive communication with all stakeholders. Employees must be empowered and educated so they can exploit their new power.
- It is necessary to systematically measure progress and results.
Key elements of success.
- Leadership
- Culture change
- Work force involvement
- Communication and measurement
- Education
- Supportive Human Resource systems
- A shared sense of urgency for change
Triggers for change.
- Organizations on the brink of disaster that had engaged in change efforts consistently rated triggers higher than organizations not currently in dire circumstances.
- Highest ranking triggers
- Changing regulatory or legal environment
- Competition
- Customer dissatisfaction
- Declining or increasing profits
- Second ranked triggers
- Declining or increasing market share
- Declining or increasing revenue
- Rising costs
- Technology change
- Third ranked triggers
- Employee morale
- Merger or acquisition
- Public Image
- Quality